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Inspiration Session
1 hour

Empowering Volunteers: Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention

Oct 22, 2024 10:00 AM

Effective Approaches to Volunteer Recruitment and Retention

Let's learn and grow together! In this session, specifically designed for volunteer centres and CVSs, we'll share the best practices for recruiting, engaging, matching, and retaining volunteers. Discover how others effectively support local community organisations and groups with creative engagement strategies. You'll walk away with practical tips and insights to how you recruit, match and retain (future) volunteers.

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Sally Page
Deputy CEO Cambridge CVS

Sally Page is the Deputy CEO at Cambridge CVS, where she leads projects like Volunteer Cambs to boost and support the local voluntary sector. With a strong background in community development and volunteer management, Sally is all about making volunteering easier and more meaningful. She's committed to bringing organisations together to create a more connected and resilient community.

Hayley Williams
Founder and Managing Director Keystone Marketing

Hayley Williams is the Founder and Managing Director of Keystone Marketing, where she helps businesses build their brand and connect with their audience in fresh and impactful ways. With a creative flair and a passion for storytelling, Hayley loves finding innovative solutions to marketing challenges. She's all about making marketing meaningful, helping businesses grow, and having a bit of fun along the way.

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