Interview with Her Majesty Queen Máxima

Her Majesty Queen Maxima spoke with Deedmob about our efforts during Covid-19

Interview with Her Majesty Queen Máxima

We have been called by Her Majesty Queen Máxima about It was a very interesting conversation with the Queen. We talked about the impact that the platform Coronahelpers makes in many local communities in the Netherlands as well as internationally.

On 16 March, we launched from Deedmob. Since then, thousands of people have been helping each other through a coalition of over 150 local organisations, including municipalities, businesses and charities, on this platform to match their requests for help with volunteers. In the first three weeks, more than 550,000 people have been reached on Together with our community we have helped more than 3,500 people in the first three weeks. It is expected that this number will increase significantly in the coming period, as the virus continues to spread and more people will need help.

May we come through this crisis stronger together. Stay healthy!

Copyright photo: Royal Family

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